Sarah Reed Carter

I was 16 my first summer at Rockbrook, and I thought working at a summer camp would be something to try once. Little did I know that Rockbrook would be a place I would never want to leave! It is the sweetest little place I can think of – so much happiness and friendship is developed here in this beautiful valley. Every year, I see Rockbrook work its magic by taking a group of open-hearted girls, filling their days with creative and fun activities, and surrounding them in a timelessly beautiful spot in nature. Even just a couple of weeks of camp can leave a mark on a girl’s heart forever. And for me, one of the best moments is watching alumnae return to camp and seeing the campers they once were come bubbling out in their joy just to return to sit on the hill again at RBC.

Fun Facts

A Surprising Thing About Me

I used to think I wasn't a camp person, or a dog person.

Favorite Quote

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not. ~ Dr. Suess

With an hour of free time, I like to...

Mess around in the garden, bake scones, or scratch out a tune on the fiddle.

Sing, Dance, or Both?

Singing, especially old camp songs

Last Book I Read?

Rivers of London (a mystery I picked up at a Waterstones in London during the Camp America fair!)

Personal Interests

Baking, Gardening, Needlework, Fiddling

Favorite Camp Food

Tamales, Taquitos, Tomato Soup - basically anything starting with T

Jeff Carter camp director

Jeff Carter

I started working at camp back in 1988, not thinking I would be back for more than a couple of years. But after meeting the people, spending nights in the surrounding forests, witnessing the incredible warmth and caring of the Rockbrook community, and marveling at how much a difference camp makes in the lives of all these Rockbrook girls, I was hooked. Camp life just grows on you. You find yourself eating well, sleeping well, laughing a lot, playing with abandon, and growing through all sorts of unexpected challenges. Being around kids all day, you’re reminded of things about yourself that you’ve forgotten, like how to be silly, how to be OK with quirky things, and how to be excited about almost anything. Can you see why I love it?

It’s a true privilege for me to be a part of this special place. Every summer I look forward to meeting everyone and returning to enjoy our time together in “the Heart of a Wooded Mountain.”

Fun Facts

A Surprising Thing About Me

I lived in Nigeria for over a year.

Favorite Quote

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage” —Anaïs Nin

Favorite Movie

Princess Mononoke

With an hour of free time, I like to...

Discover and listen to new music

Sing, Dance, or Both?

Both, loosely...

Last Book I Read?

The Way of Bach, by Dan Moller

Personal Interests

Mountain Biking, Music

Favorite Camp Food

The muffins, any and every flavor!