Kathryn Brudzinski

Kathryn Brudzinski

Hi there! My name’s Kathryn (or Kat) and I’m so excited to be coming back to Rockbrook this year! I got the chance to work as a counselor for the first time last year and loved the experience, so I’m thrilled I’ll get the chance to do so again.

I was born and raised in South Florida before I moved to Orlando to attend the University of Central Florida (Go Knights!) where I recently graduated with a bachelor’s in journalism. As much as I love home, I also love to travel to different places like Aruba, New York, California, the Bahamas and more! My favorite things to do are watch hockey (let’s go Panthers!), snuggle my 2 cats, or go for a bike ride.

I can’t wait to once again head to the heart of a wooded mountain to help make some amazing memories happen for our campers!

Fun Facts

Favorite Movie

The Devil Wears Prada

Sing, Dance, or Both?


Last Book I Read?

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

Personal Interests

Traveling, hockey, listening to my favorite podcasts, going to the beach, and biking

Favorite Camp Food

Anything at breakfast :)