Eve Maguire

Eve Maguire

I have grown up for most of my life in Glasgow, Scotland, where I live with my family, but also spent two years living in Singapore. From an early age I have been fortunate enough to experience trips and excursions similar to that which the Rockbrook Campers will be enjoying this summer, so I jumped at the opportunity of becoming a counsellor at Rockbrook! I am most excited to settle into life at camp and to become part of a team of counsellors and staff who are working together to create the best possible experience for the campers – and also to experience all the adventure, fun and friendship that Rockbrook has to offer for myself.

I have just completed my studies at University and will be graduating in the winter with a degree in English Literature and Theatre Studies. The performing arts and storytelling have been a hugely important part of my life and my participation in shows and creative projects has massively helped shape my confidence and ability to work with others. I believe creating performances, however big or small, to be the ultimate team sport! I am so excited to be taking on the role of building the Rockbrook play this summer and hope to bring the same experience of self-confidence and team work to the campers as I find in building a performance myself!

Fun Facts

A Surprising Thing About Me

I am a huge fan of The US Office (and even found a way to write my final dissertation for University on it!)

Favorite Quote

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Favorite Movie

'It's a Wonderful Life' - I watch it every Christmas with my family!

With an hour of free time, I like to...

Listen to music, read a book or journal.

Sing, Dance, or Both?

I much prefer to dance!

Last Book I Read?

"One Day" by David Nicholls

Personal Interests

I love reading and writing, performing, and watching ice hockey.

Favorite Camp Food

Anything that I can make around a campfire!