Eliska Hood

Eliska Hood

Hey guys!!! My name is Eliska Hood and I am SO excited to be returning to Rockbrook for my 10th summer – seriously camp is my favorite place in the entire world. I am originally from Birmingham, Alabama, and I just completed my second year at the University of Virginia where I am an economics major with a concentration in international economics. At camp you can almost always find me spending time with the lovely lovely juniors, chilling by the lake, or at the range (archery and riflery are where it’s at!). I can’t wait to drive back up that gravel driveway, see all of your smiling faces, and meet new friends!

Fun Facts

Favorite Movie

Princess Bride

With an hour of free time, I like to...

Spend time with friends!

Sing, Dance, or Both?


Last Book I Read?

Tom Lake by Ann Patchett

Personal Interests


Favorite Camp Food
