Undeniable Thrill

If you’ve been to a summer camp in this areas of western North Carolina in, say, the last 50 years or so, there’s a good chance you’ve been to Sliding Rock. It’s that “iconic,” as the kids like to say these days. Tonight, our Middler-age campers and their counselors got their turn to join this long tradition of visiting “Slock” (another example of Rockbrook lingo that combines words)… “Slock is so iconic!” But what is Sliding Rock and why does it continue to be a highlight for so many camp kids?

NC sliding rock camp kids

Sliding Rock is a natural water slide formed by Looking Glass Creek as it flows over a sloping hill of exposed granite. It’s located a short drive from camp along US Highway 276 south of the Blue Ridge Parkway. The creek cascades down about 60 feet over natural mounds and curves in the rock creating small pockets of whitewater along the way. At the bottom is a pool about 6-8 feet deep, providing an ideal splash down area for the ride.

Over the last few years, Sliding Rock has become so popular with the public, the Forest Service has begun charging $5 per person to enter the area during the day. On a typical summer day, the parking area fills, forcing some people to be sadly turned away. Camps, however, hold permits to use the area after hours. We still pay a use fee to do that, but we can bring a big group of girls, our own lifeguards and equipment, and that allows us to ensure a safe and uniquely Rockbrook experience.

sliding rock girls

When we arrived tonight, all 6 buses of excited girls unloaded, dressed in their swimsuits and water shoes, towels clutched tightly or slung over their shoulders. The lifeguards positioned themselves at different points below and a few counselors stood at the top of the rock to help the girls begin their slide. The excitement built as the girls made their way up along the handrail on the side, and soon turned thrilling as they stepped out into the stream and sat down in the water for their turn to slide. Like all of the mountain streams in this part of NC, the temperature of the water is refreshingly chilly. Some describe it as “freezing,” but I think that adds to the fun.

You can imagine, there’s a lot of wide-eyed screaming as the girls pushed off, accelerating down the smooth rock towards the splash landing. As they twisted, spun and sometimes made silly poses while sliding, they were having a great time. Many girls pinched their nose at the last second before the plunge at the bottom. They popped back up out of the water, and the lifeguards helped them scoot back in line for another turn sliding. The thrill of it all was undeniable.

We encourage the girls to slide in pairs, doubling the fun. They hold hands at the top slinging each other a bit as they slide. We also bring lifejackets for the girls who are not strong swimmers on their own. We want to give everyone a chance to slide if they want to.

It’s also great fun to watch pairs of campers slide. Those waiting their turn or watching from the top observation deck cheered on their friends, belting out camp songs, clapping and enjoying the infectious energy of the evening.

Eventually, it became too dark to keep sliding for the night, so we loaded up for out trip back to camp (with a stop at Dolly’s along the way!). Going to Sliding Rock has become a true Rockbrook tradition. It’s so simple, such a classic camp experience, and such guaranteed fun, we love doing it. It’s the kind of experience you remember and cherish your whole life. I think our Middlers tonight would agree!

summer camp girls sliding


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