The Summer Camp Dance

Vintage Camp dance NC
Rockbrook and Camp Carolina Square Dance, 1950’s

Who does not remember the excitement and nerves that came with your first summer camp dance?  Multiple generations of Rockbrook Girls have participated in this summer ritual.  The dances originally were held in our Dining Hall (see photo above) but are currently held in our Gymnasium.  They are usually held once or twice a session, the dates of which are a highly guarded secret.  The Hi- Up campers get to announce the dance to the camp and the reaction is quite  loud and boisterous.  It is a very light and fun experience with everyone dancing together, laughing and being silly.  For those who are not interested in participating we also offer a separate activity that is equally fun!  Feel free to share with us any camp dance stories that you have- we would love to hear them!

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  1. Avatar for Anne H. Mathews
    Anne H. Mathews
    13 years ago

    I can still remember clearly some of my friends from camp- do you ever have a post where we can leave messages/ reunion type stuff?
