Girls Gymnastics Camps

Girls at Gymnastics Camp

The gymnastics camp activity at Rockbrook is designed for girls who want to explore gymnastics as a sport for recreation and personal growth. It is one activity offered as part of our overall traditional summer camp program and is not really for girls who want to train for gymnastics competitions.

Instead we focus on offering instruction in fundamental gymnastic skills and techniques, activities that will be both fun and helpful no matter what your gymnastics background. Our instructors teach children’s gymnastics classes throughout the school year, so they are well prepared to design different lessons for the different age groups and ability levels. Ready… flip!


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  1. Avatar for lucy
    17 years ago

    I would like my child to participate, But I dont know when it is?

  2. Avatar for RBC
    17 years ago


    Go to our registration page and you’ll find the dates of the camp.
