Decidedly Pink

What happens if Barbie goes to summer camp? Well, today we found out! It was a day of regular camp activities, but with a decidedly pink twist, as we unveiled a costume theme for the day. Today was Barbie Day!

It’s no surprise that we love to dress up at Rockbrook. We love how dressing in some kind of costume injects a little silliness into whatever we’re doing. When we bring together costume elements— just the right shorts, maybe a wig, and a few props like a hat or goofy glasses for example —we enjoy changing things up and being creative. Dressing up allows us to imagine being another character, taking on their mannerisms and stylings. A theme like this points us all in a certain direction (all things Barbie in this case!) yet at the same time creates enough space for individualized improvisation. When this many people dress up together, it’s phenomenal.

This was another theme that the campers knew about before arriving at camp, so they were prepared! Even when they arrived for breakfast, many campers and staff members were already dressed in their best Barbie pink outfits and fabulous accessories. This might have been pajamas, pink sunglasses, or just a pink t-shirt. As you know, Barbie took on many different professions over the years, and this was true at camp today too. We had a Cowboy Barbie, a Spring Bouquet Barbie, and Astronaut Barbie, a Rockstar Barbie, a 50s Barbie, a Yoga Barbie, and a Publicity Tour Barbie who was distributing autographs all day long.

Everyone became a Barbie of some sort today. All it took was a little pink and a confident, carefree attitude, both of which are ingredients easily found at Rockbrook. Throughout the day we started adding “Hi, Barbie!” to our conversations and greetings as someone passed by. We would also ask, “what Barbie are you?” and wait to hear about her amazing talent. Tennis Barbie, Tetherball Barbie, Movie Star Barbie, Painter Barbie —these are just a few.

It turns out Barbie is a very accomplished equestrienne, a great rock climber, and weaver. She loves to do tricks off the diving board, throw clay on the potter’s wheel, and shoot archery. She’s a very good singer too, especially around so many of her equally fabulous friends. Who knew? Here at Rockbrook, that’s not too surprising. These Barbies are strong!

A bubbling Barbie positivity elevated our whole day. When dinner arrived the campers where excited to find the dining hall decorated with pink tablecloths and flowers. There were Barbie-themed temporary tattoos for everyone, and special pink candy treats on every table. Along with our lasagna, bread, salad and grapes for dinner, the baker made pink lemonade bars for dessert. The Hi-Ups led everyone singing a few songs from the Barbie movie.

A group of our younger Barbies finished up their day by hiking up to the top of Castle Rock to catch a bit of the mountain view before sunset. This is a steep hike up a challenging trail that ends at the rock face above camp. It winds through old mountain laurel and rhododendron bushes eventually breaking out into a fantastic overlook. The girls and their counselors sat carefully on the rock admiring the distant mountains for a few minutes before heading back down to camp before it got too dark.

I was a great day at camp, life in a “dreamworld” we might say, proving again that “we girls can do anything!” True, very true.

summer camp hiking view


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