It’s a Haven

What are we doing here at Rockbrook? What are our goals? What is our overall purpose? We’re certainly striving to “have fun” (a LOT of fun!), but it’s more than that. Beyond all the different activities, the great food, and our classic mountain camp environment, what is Rockbrook really providing. On a deeper level, what is camp doing for all the girls and staff members who spend their summer here?

Years ago we tried to answer these questions by formulating a mission statement for Rockbrook, something that could summarize our core purpose. We wanted to convey what’s special and important about camp, and at least hint about how camp provides so many valuable life skills for those who experience it. Here’s that statement.

Rockbrook’s mission is to provide a haven for girls, a place of their own, where they can explore the beauty of nature, try new things, enjoy carefree summer living, and make some of their very best friends.

camp archer girl with bullseye
camp teens floating at lake

There’s a lot to be said about this, with each clause of the statement adding to the overall meaning, but we might summarize it by focusing on the word “haven.” We might answer our initial question by saying, “What we’re doing here is creating a haven for girls.” Good, that seems right. But what sort of haven, and why is that important? What makes “haven creating” the core purpose of Rockbrook?

The answer lies in the word “haven” itself. A haven is a place of safety, a refuge from something threatening or negative, like a harbor sheltering a ship from rough seas. Using this analogy, our goal is to make Rockbrook a safe harbor for girls, a place of refuge from the turbulent waters of modern life. We are here to create an intentional community that’s different and separate from certain detrimental forces impacting girls these days.

The idea, of course, is that girls blossom once these harmful forces are removed. I think this is true. In every way that Rockbrook is a haven, the girls here grow in astounding particular ways. That’s the “why,” the outcome, of creating a haven for our girls. They directly benefit from it.

So how is Rockbrook a haven?

1. Haven from Indoor Living: Life at Rockbrook is lived intimately with Nature, outdoors almost all the time. Instead of being shielded from the rich diversity of the natural world, campers learn to embrace its wonder and beauty. There’s a deep restorative power to this.

summer camp girl needlepoint

2. Haven from a Rushed Life: The pace of life at Rockbrook is deliberately slower and more mindful. Campers are not rushed or overly scheduled, allowing them to savor each moment and engage more deeply with everything and everyone around them.

3. Haven from Inactivity and Modern Convenience: In a world that often prioritizes convenience and sedentary lifestyles, Rockbrook encourages physical activity, adventure, and hands-on experiences. It’s a place where campers move and play, discovering the joys of doing.

4. Haven from Information Overload: In a world saturated with information, Rockbrook provides a break from the constant barrage of news and novelty. This allows campers to pay attention to their immediate experiences, fostering connections, creativity and presence.

5. Haven from Competition: Rockbrook is a non-competitive environment where girls can explore their interests and abilities without the pressure of outperforming others. Keeping score is the last thing on our minds. Instead the focus is on personal exploration, kind cooperation, and collective success.

6. Haven from Judgment: Rockbrook celebrates brave attempts, silly creativity, and an openness to try things. Here, girls explore for the fun it unconcerned with what others will say about the outcome. The kindess of this community lifts everyone up.

summer camp climber descending

7. Haven from Technology: This one is huge. Rockbrook is a tech-free environment that dispels the distraction inherent to digital media and its flickering screens. Camp returns us to the textures of real-world activities, the nuance of human interactions and the complexities of truly feeling things. This allows everyone here to be more human and explore what that means.

8. Haven from Prejudice: Rockbrook is committed to inclusivity and acceptance. Our camp values of kindness, respect and compassion encourage campers to see beyond stereotypes. Meeting so many people at camp helps us appreciate and celebrate diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

9. Haven from Assumed Inferiority: Inspired by its founder Nancy Carrier, Rockbrook challenges the societal assumption that women are variously incapable. Here, girls are empowered to discover their strengths and abilities, fostering a strong sense of self-worth and confidence.

10. Haven from Social Pressures: Rockbrook provides a break from the pressures to conform to certain social expectations. Here, girls can explore their interests freely, while being supported by an enthusiastic community that values them for who they really are.

Understood as a haven in all these ways, it’s easy to see why Rockbrook is a special experience, and how it’s so important for your girls. We all know that ordinary life is chock full of pressures and challenges. Just ask any teenager; they’ll tell you. Camp provides relief from all that. It’s a sanctuary of freedom where girls thrive. Yes, it’s also a lot of fun and girls love it, but it’s wonderful in this important way as well.

camp big rafting splash


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