Extra Delightful

Our streak of amazingly perfect weather has continued. As other places are suffering from a heat wave, we are still enjoying low temperatures in the 60s in the morning and 80s in the afternoon. Just down the mountain in south Carolina, it’s more than 10 degrees warmer. It’s no wonder that camps were built here in the mountains. They were a welcome relief from the summer heat back when there was no air conditioning. It’s been particularly nice these past two weeks with sunny skies and low humidity. It’s made being outside extra delightful!

summer kids camp assembly

A month or so ago, I was interviewed by the editor of a local magazine about camp. Now, the article has just been published: “Multiple Benefits of Summer Camp,” by Randee Brown in WNC Business. If you’ve read the Rockbrook blog over the years, you know I have a lot to say on this topic! For example, this article is a good summary of the top ten benefits. In the interview, I tried to convey how camp can be understood as “fun that matters.” Camp is much more than just entertainment or diversion. It’s formative too. The parents with children who go to camp already know this because they see it in how much their kids grow from the experience. Here’s the article if you’d like to take a look.

This past weekend we held an all-camp dance in the gym for our evening activity. The counselors and campers put on fancy clothes and costumes, and with great dance-pop numbers blasting from the sound system, had a great time zooming around arm in arm, jumping up and down to the beat, and joining in more choreographed dance numbers. The counselors had just as much fun as the campers. When folks needed to take a break and cool off —all that dancing can make you sweaty! —there was a good crowd hanging out just outside. A few played gagaball and tetherball too. Everyone really enjoyed being together and celebrating like this.

As we enter the last week of camp, there’s still lots to do and to look forward to. A highlight will be the banquet, but before that, we’ll savor our time together and enjoy the activities. At this point in the session, that’s really what we matters most. It’s being with the people, not doing the specific things, that we are cherishing. This becomes even more true when it’s time for the closing campfire, the Spirit Fire. Again, it’s the friendships formed at camp that really matter because they strengthen each of individually at the same time. Such good stuff!

Rockbrook summer camp girls


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